Before the start, the organizers distributed the words of the song and balloons in the colors of the Russian tricolor to everyone. The program was opened with a waltz by the concert team "Energy of Dance", after which the presenters told the story of the song.
The wonderful lines that became known all over the world were written by Evgeny Yevtushenko in 1961 after his trips to Europe and the USA. The poet was asked everywhere: "Do the Russians want wars?" And he answered with his poem, which was set to music by Eduard Kolmanovsky.
The song was performed for the first time in the same year on the eve of the XXII Congress of the CPSU, and a year later the discs with the composition in English, French, German and Spanish were presented to the delegates of the International Congress for General Disarmament and Peace, which was held in Moscow.
"Today this song was sounded on the Tyumen land in memory of those who 80 years ago stood up and defended the freedom and independence of Russia in fierce battles. No matter how Western countries try to change the history, the main task of the veteran movement is to keep in their hearts and minds not only the older generation, but also young people, children, authentic memory of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War, of those who forged it at the front and in the rear, "said Alexander Motorin, First Deputy Chairman of the Tyumen Regional Council of Veterans.
The memory of folk heroes was honored with a minute of silence to the sound of a metronome, and the song that sounded from the stage was picked up by all the participants of the flash mob, young and old, many sang along with tears in their eyes. On the closing chords of the song, balloons soared into the sky.
The organizers noted that there are still many songs with stories and, despite the pandemic, the action for the Day of Memory and Mourning will continue annually, but in compliance with all safety requirements.