'GP-9' industrial site
of 'Uniongaztechnology' LLC
Address: Yamalo-nenetskiy region, Purovskiy district, UKPG-9 location of Novyi Urengoy - Yamburg gas field main road
About the site
The site is constantly monitored by the security guards and CCTV cameras. The perimeter is a steel reinforced fence. All gates have access control.
The site is equipped with a natural gas heating, clear and technical water water supply. The site ground is a compacted crushed stone and compacted paved substrate with concrete slab covering.

The production and storage facilities are equipped with crane beams and inspection pits. The site is situated on the Novyi Urengoy - Yamburg road and is accessible all year round.
Our services
Outdoor production sites lease
We can lease you a sites for:
  • Equipment and transport parking;
  • Materials storage;
  • Production.
The cost starts at 750 rubles (VAT tax included) per day for 15 sq.meter place.
Industrial buildings and premises lease
We can lease you sites and buildings for:
  • Transport and equipment parking and repair;
  • Storage of materials and production needs;
The cost starts at 1260 rubles (VAT tax included) per day for 15 sq.meter place.
Hostel and personnel accommodation
We can provide basic living facilities for tour personnel that includes bed, shower, toilet, washing machine. Maximum hostel capacity is 50 persons.
The accomodation costs start from 850 rubles (VAT tax included) per person for one day.
The cost of the administrative building (or premises)can be  negotiated separately.
Sales office contacts
hone: +7 (3452) 68-33-25
e-mail: info@nppsgt.ru
Tyumen, Vasily Goltsov st. 10
Ask our staff about more details by phone or email.
Site location
Address: Yamalo-nenetskiy region, Purovskiy district, UKPG-9 location of Novyi Urengoy - Yamburg gas field main road
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